Welcome to my source-of-stress

Nice to meet you… I’m Marcella! As much as I hate writing these things, if you have come here to learn a little more about me, then I guess I should oblige….

Here you can find all the info you need to know, be it contact info, the types of stories I am looking for, or maybe you’re reaching out to see if you’d like to collaborate.

IF however, you are looking for information on how to get in touch with me, whether you are a fellow journalist, press officer, or any other known variety of media person, then please scroll to the bottom for PRESS CONTACT.

I would also love to work with journalism students if possible, so if you are looking to gain a bit of insight, or would love to get some experience then please see my contact details below!

Ciao for now x



The Fun Stuff

Originally from a midsize town in the northeast, I’ve been steadily working my way down south: I am proud to say I am officially a Londoner!

I don’t have much of an accent. I’m often told that not only do ‘I sound Welsh’, but that I am in fact from Wales. I have never actually been to Wales.

At 18, I was obsessed with YA fiction, hated all things pink, and un-ironically called Tumblr my safe space. Ten years on, I now have 3 degrees under my belt, I’m still obsessed with YA fiction, and the only pink I don’t like is a sunburn.

I’m also a Broadcast Producer working tirelessly to reach the top and I’m in the throes of writing my first fiction novel. Watch this space...

A Brief History