Hooked: Review

Deep diving into the twisted dark romance by Emily McIntire - Hooked.

Currently Reading: He's Not My Type by Meghan Quinn



Currently Reading: He's Not My Type by Meghan Quinn ———-«« »»———-

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Books Before Bros

Check out the latest episode of Books Before Bro’s, this month, we take on the monumental House of Sky and Breath by SJ Maas.

And Everything Else…

Social Videos

Check out what I’ve been up to on Social’s. Coming soon to a blog near you.

Marcella Hadbury

When people say ‘about me’s are hard to write… they weren’t kidding. So here is a little about me to break the ice.

I’m a 28 year old living in London as a TV Journalist for News UK. I’ve always loved writing and sharing stories, and a career in journalism seemed like exactly the right fit.

That was until I got back into books.

Now, if you know me in real life, you’d know just how much fantasy has consumed my life over the last year. I’d always been a huge fan of classic young adult fic’s, from legendary series such as Twilight and Divergent, to the guilty pleasures of Hush Hush and Fallen (if you recognize these books, we will be fast friends).

But, now that I’ve grown, I realized I never needed to give up the books I loved as a kid just to feel like an adult.

This brings me to the now. I’ve always loved blogging but never felt like I had anything worth sharing until now. If you’re joining me on this journey (cliche phrase I know) then get strapped in as I dive into some of my favorite books of the moment, from high fantasy reads to smutty sport romances, and everything in between.

Shall we get started?

Reading in 2024.

Last year, I set myself a pretty tough reading goal of 100 books. It was a very busy year and at multiple times I felt myself slipping behind, worried the goal would be completely unreachable for someone working full time and working on their own side projects. After a huge effort in November, reading a grand total of 20 books in a month, I realized my goal was more than manageable, even if I abandoned a lot of extra projects just to hit my goal.

This year, I want to do even better. I’m keeping my reading target at 100, but I want to have somewhere between 12 and 25 books fully annotated and I’m not allowed to count rereads. Harder right? Let’s see how I’m getting on.